Feedback on my settings UI

Hello, I am a novice scripter and UI designer. I made this UI in studio and use UIGradient with it. I would like feedback on what other things I could improve to make it look better and your thoughts and overall ratings. Ty!

Here is the video of the boarderline in action. It moves around the frame


Are you going to post the UI or not?

Sorry, I m on mobile I forgotten about the photo

Its great but you can add more options in graphics tab and I think its a little bit metallic

By the way its great!! And the mixture of black and red looks really cool

the boarderline actually moves around the frame

Oh! its great
You are good to go!!

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The gradient from black to red doesnt seem fitting but the animation on the border line is amazing.

I wish I could do that, nice!

The color scheme for the background doesn’t look good, though…
You might want to consider changing it to brighter colors.