Feedback on my Ship Wake

It uses Trails and Particles. What do you like about it? What do you think I should change to make it look more real?


The wake looks amazing, but mabey make the water around it look more realistic, since the wake stands out to much, and the water color is different.
Otherwise, 8/10.


Good Idea. The Colors are the only real problem I see. Although the wake will look better in game


Me to, otherwise it looks amazing. Great job!

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I have created a sea floor and there is really no water fog if you are not in game. So that is why the surrounding water looks light brownish.

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If there were animated textures and decals then it might look more real…

Amazing creation mate, i liked it

Looks amazing from a distance however if you were on the boat it would look very. off, I would suggest using it as maybe a mini model or a cutscene. aside from that looks amazing

As said before the wake doesn’t look like it is supposed to be here.
So I would change the wake so it looks more like it fits in the water.

There is no water fog if you are not in-game, so ingame it would blend in more with the surrounding water

It looks awesome. Although I feel like the wake expands just a little too much. But apart from that, it looks awesome :slight_smile:

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Hey um, I rlly like how it works and I’m trying to build one by my self, but I don’t know how to use beam and a trail at the same time. I’d like the trail to grow as the part moves, from a little point to a wider area (as it does yours) (like a beam)

I dont relly know If I’m explaining well, but I rlly liked yours!

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it looks really nice! you can try to make it fade to the sides so it blends in better, as well as a slight color change!

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yup, I’m working on that,

but I don’t know how to make it go to the sides :frowning:

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it can probably be done with a complex script, or you can probably shrink the particle you have now, overlap another and make it less transparent, then do the same in very small increments as it reaches the edge.

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That sound good, but I was thinking about using beams as @DylanC_forum did

Thx you thougt : D

I used just a Trail to make mine

But how did you make it go bigger (wider) from the front to the back?

Nvm I did it! I just had to search a bit more :slight_smile: Thank you for the idea!

As sumaco was saying it looks a little off you can use this texture from mine that’s a little not transparent and blends in more, otherwise great effects!