Feedback on my sidebar Ui

Please give me some feedback on my UI!

literally anything that you think is wrong, tell me and I will fix it.

the joystick and the chat might overlap with the ui


i can probably move the position of the Ui depending if the User is on mobile or not. thanks! :laughing:

the colors for your coin’s background are a little off. like you have a orange/golden coin with a yellow background! and that purple coin is a little hard to see.

are you using a UIGridLayout for your buttons?

the spacing is a littlr big and ineven, if you aren’t, please use a grid layout!!! :sob:


i actually forgot about grid layouts!

and what colors do you suggest i change the yellow and purple coins to?

match the colors to the coins first by using pick screen color on the color menu.


then make the color lighter.

this is to change the background color btw, not the coins themselves

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Does this look better?

Screenshot 2025-03-11 113845

yep. the purple coin background could be a little whiter, but the gold one looks good.

you may want to consider making the rectangles that hold the numbers transparent by the way.

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This sidebar UI looks great! Good job on it! How long did it take to create this UI? What is it used in? There are a lot of buttons, and makes the UI stick out, you should make them smaller and line them up in a vertical row so they take up less space.

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helloo, this Ui took about 3 hours (with scripting every menu inside of it). its going to be used in my new game coin Quest 2.

and yes i will make them smaller thank you