Feedback on my simple realistic scene

Hello, now I started learning about realistic rendering and texturing in blender. This s my first job and Id like to receive feedback :grinning:


I have always wanted to know how people get that realisticx rendering in Studio. Andways. I dont even know how to do textures / models in Blender. Looks great tho!

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This is as far as i’d ever get.
(also srry my pc screenshotted my second monitor as well)

oh… looks like you know about modeling as much as I know about scripting :sweat_smile:
but if you want to start it won’t be too difficult

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I’m actually not bad with scripting. Just like you said, it’s not hard to get started. How I got started was some functions, clicks, and text changing.

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also thanks for the feedback! :grinning:

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