I am currently working on a spawn for one of my games. Decided to go for a running river with a mountain on the side. What do you think?
I like the simplicity but it looks mirrored and somewhat plain. maybe try adding different heights and more of the rock structures. I also suggest adding grass and trees, but so far it’s looking good.
I would suggest adding mushrooms or small flowers or possibly trees on the mountains structures. You could also add something floating in the water .
I really like the structure of it all, however I would add some more detail to the rock to shape the mountain (thus creating a more realistic look) also, try making a curved bridge, it’s not a huge change, but it just makes it look more aesthetically pleasing :))
thanks for the advice. Though I was not going realistic for this build (frankly, I am really bad at realistic), I will keep this advice in mind for further projects!