Feedback on my Snowy Tree

I made a snowy tree for a winter showcase and I want some feedback on it.



From the first picture my brain thought up a whole bunch of innapropiate things to be honest. Maybe change it so the top is more round.


It’s good but It’s better if you use blender in modeling things, in making showcase you show either realistic or cartoony style, to be honest, I see some stuff that should not be in a showcase like you have used the original Roblox blocks so I recommend modeling for building showcases.

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The Snowy Tree is great, but there’s some room for improvements. I think the trunk kind of ruins the theme because it feels kind of out of place. If you are going for a blocky design then, I suggest making the tree’s material to smooth plastic so it looks more polished and clear, and changing the trunk to a block instead of a cylinder. If you done all of that, it would look amazing!

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I’m not sure if I’m reading to use blender yet. Plus, the theme kinda is blocky for the showcase.


Oh crap I should change some stuff lol.

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So it means you are making a minecraft like game? Maybe change some blocks because I see some stuff inappropriate too lol

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I just like the mix of cartoony and blocky style. Also I tried to change some stuff so it looks less inappropriate.


I didn’t find it inappropriate until someone mentioned it lol.


There I like it than before. May I request a build for you to make? Because I see your true talent, Maybe try making realistic furniture :smiley:

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And that is true for me lol :rofl: :rofl:

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either make the top round the the trunk rectangular, just to fit the style and keep it coherent

I never tried making realistic things before, but I might try it.

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