Feedback on my Space Engine type game

I have been working on a Space engine type game which makes a randomly generated universe with planets, nebula, and star clusters

Here are some in game screenshots:


So it’s a very nice and calming game but the content runs out quickly, it stops generating past a certain point.
I also believe you should make the player invisible on join
Something like the below should work:

     for i,v in ipairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do
        if v:IsA("BasePart") then
           v.Transparency = 1

Anywho I believe the game is great besides this. Maybe work on the smoothness of some of these and toggle options for music, e.g: Stop,Play,Volume.
And I also think that your speed might be better if it was done by the player typing it out instead of spam clicking a button.

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You can use the roblox given freecam script if you press shift + p and use that as the games primary movement

Otherwise from that it would be cool if it would be possible instead of galaxies forming to actually fly into them to see planets around a sun than just like neon blocks but otherwise good job

The reason I decided to not use the roblox freecam script is because of how slow it goes (even at max speed) and how large the distances are between stars
I plan on making it so you can go into planets at some point just not sure when, thanks for the feedback!

I’ve been trying to expand the area it generates in but the tests would either be too laggy or not enough stars would generate, ill start working on the other things you suggested, thanks for the feedback!