Hi there! I’m making a game and I know this may come as annoying for people asking how to be popular on their games but I’ve actually put a lot of effort in this game and considered it well made. Basically, this is a space exploration game where you shoot a rocket to space and go to mars, then you can do tasks to get cash and to buy skins to make you earn cash faster, 2x cash etc. Please lmk if I can improve it and how to make it more popular, thanks!
I’ve just played it and it seems amazing. The good factors are:
- The unique motto
- Appealing design
- Simple scenery; not too detailed, nor too plain
However, you could improve by:
- Removing the rainbow effect at the start
- “Sizing down” on the blur effect
- Fixing the car’s speed and the collision issue with the rail (to elaborate, once the car hits the side rails, it goes flying and the wheels de-attach)
However, besides those factors I love the game idea and how realistic the idea of it is.
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Thank you so much!! I really appreciate your feedback! I’ll definitely work on it more, appreciated!
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I really like the re-entry effects! However, when the second stage booster cuts off, the camera shake and thruster sound don’t stop.
oh, I’m sorry to hear that! however I have to inform you that there’s also mars and you can click “forward to mars” on the top of your screen, there’s much more stuff there! thanks for the feedback.