Feedback on my space themed obby

Hey all!

I’ve been working on an obby for the past month or so, and wanted to get developers insights on it and what you think would help improve it, if you read this within a day of it being posted, please note that the “Finish Obby” and “Skip Stage” product do not function properly.

I am aiming to release in a day or two, as school is starting up and many players will be busy. I am mainly looking for just feedback, not too much major additions to the game or such.

Check it out!


I played the game for a little bit and it seems pretty good. I do have a couple things I suggest changing though. Below will be a bit of a list that I am making as I play:


  • The textures on the bricks I jump on look out of place, recommend removing them
  • The bricks we jump on in the beginning are very blocky compared to some of the other things that have been modelled
  • Less GUI’s, players want to see the game and don’t want to just look at GUI’s instead of the actual gameplay
  • Add more colour, this can be through flowers, bushes, rocks, etc
  • Put signs on the checkpoints to label which stage you’re on instead of it being in the progress bar, the bar should only have the %
  • Make players unable to move during the cut scenes with the astronaut
  • Don’t let players buy admin, it’s a waste and admin should never be sold, easy way for you’re game to be broken
  • Let players get inside the rocket instead of holding down a button and it taking off without them, maybe do a cut scene of them riding inside it


  • Make the checkpoints a bit more visible
  • Add an actual moon or change the name of the game, it’s confusing
  • Make the lazar death things purple or some sort of space theme
  • Make the levels more difficult, I walked through level 1-65 in 15 minutes and it started to get boring
  • Add badges for when players reach specific milestones like level 10, 20, 50, 100, etc

Overall, the game looks great but if you want people to want to spend more time in your game, these are my recommendations.

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Thank you for this detailed feedback!
I will definitely work on multiple things that you’ve noted.

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