Feedback on my Stand (Ball Breaker model)

  • What are you attempting to achieve? This model right here (Ball Breaker, Gyro zeppeli’s stand from part 7 of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)

  • What is the issue? I’m not really sure how well my model represents it.

Here is my model

What do you guys think I should fix, any color changes, texture changes, let me know please! :grin:


This looks really good! If I had to nitpick something, the white zig-zag designs on the chest and arms of the rig intersect at an angle so that they have some edges overlapping and not meeting properly:


There are plugins you can use to generate lines that match perfectly, OR you could use CSG Negatives to make them cut off perfectly.

Otherwise, this rig is really well put together, and although I don’t know anything about JJBA, it’s a really cool design!