Feedback on my story game antagonist names

Hello developers, I have lately had an idea for a story game that may be good. I have decided to write the story line and notes of what I want to be in a script.

I’ve been making names up and I would like to see what you guys think about them.


Hope you like the names. If you have any suggestions to what the best name is for the main antagonist in my game that will be appreciated.

Creative names! My recommendation on picking the best antagonist name is the storyline and origin of a villian, and how a story game affects them.

Gillian Kile: best antagonist name


That was my thought all along lol thanks for the contribution. :slight_smile:

Yea that was one of my favourites too. I’m not sure why though lol.
Thanks for your contribution. :slight_smile:

How about a nice poll to see which names are the best.

Which name is the best?
  • Fredrik Foster
  • Jeffrey Purse
  • Bill Horiban
  • Henry JeffSlinger
  • Gart Bertrude
  • Tom Jones
  • Ollie McMillian
  • Timothy White
  • Arnold Hefflings
  • Ben Long
  • Arizo Kennedy
  • Gillian Kile
  • Harry Molster
  • Oliver Handley

0 voters

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Thanks so much dude. I was gonna do a poll but I didn’t know exactly how the system worked. :smiley:

i’d suggest adding more female antagonists, but i love the names regardless :slight_smile:

Yea I’m not going just for the males lol. It was just as a little test to see if I can come up with good male names. I’m thinking of adding a female. I would like the female to be a different Demon race to the male. note: the demon race names are actual Latin words lol. but yea I might make some female names now. Thanks for the feedback… :smiley:

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Gillian Kile and Arizo Kennedy are good, unique, cool vilain names!
Maybe you could also have a ‘Lillian Kile’ O_O

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Thank you! :smiley: i do try to make my names different.

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Ive came up with some female names now if you can find the post lol. :smiley: