Feedback on my Stylized Tree

Hey developers. I made this stylized tree a couple of days ago and I’d like some feedback on it. Specifically the leaves, since I plan on redoing the trunk soon.


Looks very polished! Nice job CrazedBrick! The trunk could use a bit of texture, but other than that, its well done.


It looks awesome and I can’t see any flaws with it, but does it affect performance?

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The leaves have some weird shading to and the trunk could use a better texture nice tree tho


This’s just A W E S O M E tree. But as many people said here, you need add textures to trunk.

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Hello, I won’t say about the trunk because you said you’ll do it later on. So the leaves seem really realistic it’s better than the trees you usually see that are 4-5 2D images in different angles. Keep it up!!!:wink:

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Yeah, performance takes a toll with these leaves. I’m trying to find a solution. If you could leave any suggestions on how to optimize them, that would be great.


A wood texture is present on the trunk. It’s just really small.

@sam_0987654321best @GamEditoPro


Vert counts of the leaves in Blender? I’d imagine it’s already quite low. Decimate, limited dissolve, unsubdivide, ect. Might mess the look up too much.

Roblox’s LOD system may or may not do anything there.


Decals? That’s all I can think of

Thing is my tree needs to use surface appearance to work well

looks really good your learning fast!

but are you using each leaf as a mesh? or each leaf cluster since you could use decals
I don’t know much about surface appearance, but I’ve seen many people use decals for the leaf’s
also the leaf’s do seem a little bunched up so but also to spread out at the same time
maybe add a little less leaf’s but instead of having separate balls of leaf’s make it 1 big one that connects to all the branches
something like this

changing the truck and were the branches are could help

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I made the tree by creating a leaf group texture and placing that into the color map for surface appearance.

This is the tutorial I followed.


Very nicely made! I love the great texturing it’s very well done. Effort was clearly put into it.


hmm well if its just planes for the leaves with images on them then that should be fine for optimization since stylized is usually only used for showcases and its not the best for a real game (not saying showcases aren’t real games)

I just recommend not to use it in a game
you could maybe decimate the bundle in blender that should make it look much different but it might help


That looks very good compared to most Roblox trees I see in games. It looks very lush and full for a tree. And once you finish the new trunk you were talking about, I think it will look almost perfect.

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If I remember correctly, you can remove faces from vertices on the models, such as the trunk or the leaves.

For example, the trunk of the tree when extruded will use existed faces to extrude off of, to continue in a certain direction. However, the only visible part of the tree trunk would be on the outside, but there is an extra face being rendered inside. You can remove the face to remove extra task for the render engine.

Below is a pretty unrealistic example, but the Figure shows that there is a face inside when it isn’t present to the viewer naturally.

I could have this wrong since I only did modeling for a little while, but hopefully it’s of some assistance. Great job on following the tutorial, you did it pretty well!