Feedback on my SW B2 menu UI

Greetings, everyone!

This is a fan-made menu UI for Askavix’s Ilum 2, based on the menu UI from Star Wars Battlefront 2.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

(game screenshots/descriptions that were used are from the jedi order group)


I really like the concept of design. I see that a good amount of thought and effort was put into making this interface.

I think you should make the “Created By” text smaller, because it currently takes all my attention to that part of the screen.

I also hope the background is animated because it currently looks great with the interface’s accent.

The plus sign slots could also be made vertical and aligned with the player list for consistency.

The left panel looks kinda off. I think it’s due to the lack of contents because you’ll only see your avatar photo there. Hopefully you can place something on that side.

The line under the Home, Inventory, etc. could be made longer to take into account another card(a thing like Deploy, Return) incase you need to add more.

Overall, it’s a great design. Clean, consistent and minimalistic. :slightly_smiling_face:


The “Created By” text was there for the watermark.

Thanks for the feedback!

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Very professional UI that seems to fit the game well. Nice work!

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I like the way the UI has been layed out in its different sections, I like the backdrops and how you’ve done the descriptions under the home, also on that i love how you’ve made the team system on the right.

Good work, keep it up! :+1: :smile: