Feedback on my SWAT GFX

Hello, I would like some feedback on my GFX. I was working on it last night and finished it a few hours ago


WOW! I’m already looking at this and this is insane, If I were you I would’ve put a watermark over the entire frame, so it’s not able to be stolen. But great work! I had the money atm I would hire you!

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I love it! Because this is a SWAT GFX, and they have their guns drawn and shield up, I would maybe add some smoke coming out of their rifles or some bullet holes in the glass, great job though!

that looks sick. keep up the great work man! some sort of realistic shaders would look nice

i dont think wood should be that reflective nothing else needs changes tho amazing gfx

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You’re right. I forgot to put the gamma down a bit.

This is crazy! It looks extremely realistic and just amazing! Keep up the good work!

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He put a watermark over the core portion of the exhibit…

It looks awesome.
Keep it up.
The only thing I would say is to not put the watermark in the middle of the picture because it will make it hard for us to give feedback.

Edges are too sharp looking. Add a bevel modifier and make sure the brick textures don’t bend so unnaturally. Also the composition is a mess, and the lighting is overexposed on the right. Great rigging though. I’m sorry if this feedback sounded harsh, but constructive feedback is the way to improve :wink: .

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Polished wood tho

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It is very beautiful but you still have to place the two more companions (Forward, let them see that the Companion from the front covers them) and place the shield more straight and place more people behind.

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It was not like that before, He had changed it.

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And if you read other comments, you can notice smoke was added coming from the guns.

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