Feedback on my SWAT GFX

Hello there! I’m XareezX and I’m a GFX maker, I don’t usually make a lot of GFX’s but here’s the latest one I made:

Reminder: If you see the watermark and it says “K1ay” that’s my display name.

I hope you like it, it’s okay if you don’t. If you have any tips/suggestions please leave them in the comments as it will help my GFX making. That’s all I have to say, have a nice day! :smiley:


this looks absolutely epic great work
i would change the text a little since rn its a little hard 2 read maybe play around with it a bit more
but other then that amazing keep it up :smile:

The GFX itself look great (good job on that :+1:), but I would work on the font and look of the text some more. otherwise great job :+1:

Looks cool but it would look better if the text didn’t have the gradient on it

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I love how the clothes have a little bit of a 3d look to it!
one thing I don’t really like is the text, everything else looks good but that look like you typed something in, put on a font and some color gradient. Maybe add a stoke and ditch the color gradient.

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Lighting is what you’ve did a great job on. I also see a nice touch of 3D clothing on the avatars of which I still yet to experiment on. The only criticism I could give is the text, it really needs that gradient removed or changed, along with it being smaller and you can space out the letters if you want. Everything said, keep up the grind!

Looks good but the lighting is a bit off.