Feedback on my sword game

Hello! Recently, I have been working on a sword game called Blade Death. The aim of the game right now is to get the highest combo and kill count on the leaderboards. Currently there is only 2 swords and a small fighting arena. Any feedback is appreciated!

Play here: Blade Death - Roblox


Cool game!
I really like the UI and there’s only one thing I can suggest about the UI and that is the “R” and “P” buttons, if a new player was to join the game then they would probably not know they’re supposed to mean but if you really don’t want to change then you could put something like “R = Realism” in the description of the game.

Obviously the game needs a map but remember to keep a style like you could have a cartoony map or sci fi map, anything you want it to be!

Players who didn’t want to fight originally didn’t have something to do until dummies got added but more can still be added like an obby!

Possibly add rewards for getting onto the leader boards like a badge or a special sword and when you do get around to adding the badges, I would suggest badges like “Get ? Kills” and “Get ? Combo”.

I appreciate how you joined the server I was in and good luck with your game!

(photo for reference)