Feedback on my sword PvP game

Hi, i’m hiljio0192, i’m a new member of the Roblox developer forum.

I’m a Roblox developer since 3 years ago, but right now i’m working on a sword PvP game, i made this game with love, with my own hands, and as a solo developer.

Basically i want positive or negative feedback, ideas, tips or anything that can help to develop my game and make it popular, with a good player base.

I know that my sword game it’s too simple and the animations, UI and VFX are too ugly, but i need help from experienced developers so i can make it better and popular.

The game it’s too boring with low players in the server, so i’d recommend to call some friends or people to play with. Yes, i need to fix this problem.

My game: The Sword Megaverse - Roblox

¡Thanks :)!

I speak spanish and some english, my english is bad, sorry for that :(.


I recommend to make more weapons. Because why not Make more weapons because that will be actual fun.

¡Thanks for the feedback! There’s already a lot of swords, and secondary weapons like the Bomb or the Rocket Launcher, but i will add more weapons, thanks :slight_smile:

The concept of the game is cool, but the idea could be executed better.
I will be addressing my concerns and suggestions on how to improve them to make your game stronger, please do not feel pressured or forced to take these suggestions

This title screen DOES get the job done, but it is far too basic, hiring a graphic designer or drawing a logo yourself will benefit the game alot, and will help it to stand out.

I want to talk about these buttons, The texts can be hard to read and they’re also placed very randomly across the screen, it covers alot of valuable screen space that could be used to show the game. I think it would benefit the player experience if you were to lay these out in a straight line right above the hot bar, used bold text with outlines to make the words stand out, and draw custom icons for each ability.

Players do not need to see two bars that display their health, it should be one or the other. The nametag and healthbar above the player is way too high, it would be better to lower it so it is only just slightly above the head
I appreciate the consistency between your UI elements though, my only suggestion is to put the icons on the right side, facing towards the end of the screen.

This UI gets the job done, however, the icons shouldn’t be emojis, you’re selling swords here, the icons should be swords, not emojis. Use ViewportFrames so you can display the models of the sword in the UI.

Regarding music, I do think the music choice in the game is quite poor. It is a sword fighting game, a fighting game with chaotic abilities and wacky easter eggs. The music should reflect that, the classical music and bossa nova is not fitting for a game like this. I think music that is faster paced will do well to uphold the game environment

The Lobby is very, very big. It is too big even with the speed increase our player has when walking. I believe that you can shrink this lobby to a fraction of what it is right now, because alot of the facilities and other functions of the lobby can be compressed into a UI button. A lobby is meant to be a pit-stop before players step into the part of the game where they will spend 90% of their time in, which is the battlefield in this case.

These shops here all serve the same purpose, they provide you swords or powerups depending on kills, badges, or gamepasses. I do think that you could fit all of these buttons into 1 gui, and have different buttons that switch the categories and tabs.

These boxes both sell the same ammunition at the same tiers and price, I don’t see why there is a need to have these as a physical game object or have multiple at all. You can also fit this into a robux shop in a GUI.

This map is way too big, especially for 25 player servers. The reason games like these are so fun to play is because the small maps make sure that you’re always fighting no matter what. Your game would also benefit from using custom, more cartoony textures. The current textures you’re using are too realistic for the style you’re going for.

Overall, I think that these suggestions would be very beneficial into making your game stronger as a whole. Please do not feel pressured to take suggestions as this is just my personal opinion as one game developer to another. You have a great game starting out here, I encourage you to keep working and make this game as awesome as possible.

¡Thanks a lot for the feedback!

OK, i’ll answer your suggestions:

About the title, i agree, it’s very bad and simple, i’ll try to improve that :).

About the ability buttons, i agree, the texts are sometimes hard to read, i will improve that, but i think that i will add an option to allow the player to modify the buttons position and size, with an auto save system.

About the health bars, i added two health bars to allow players to see their health on the screen and to actually see other players health. But you’re right, i think i should only leave one health bar, i think that i’ll leave the name tag health bar.

About the kills, gold and ammo counters stuff, you’re right, i should change their position on the right side, maybe removing the health bar and put these stuff in the right side would be a good idea.

About the abilities, swords, kits and infinite powers being emojis, well, i really want to talk about this one. OK, first of all, the PC that i’m making my game on isn’t mine, it’s from a neighbor, and he doesn’t let me to install some software that can help me to make my game such as Photoshop or Blender, i’m really poor to get a PC so that’s why i did these icons by the “bad” way: With Emojis. Yes, i know that it’s too bad but honestly i don’t know how to fix that, and also making an icon for each ability, sword, kits or infinite power would take a lot of time to make because there’s already a lot of them. About the ViewportFrames to display the sword’s models, yes i would be cool but, ¿What about abilities, kits or infinite powers. they’re not swords or physical models, how can i make them cool too?

About the music, i agree, honestly i don’t know why i choose calm and classic music, maybe because i like it, but yes, i should add new music to actually fit the game theme, and maybe a setting to switch between new and old music, i don’t know.

About the lobby being too big, i agree but honestly i like it and i don’t want to change it, maybe i can increase the player’s walk speed when they’re in the lobby, ¿Any suggestions?

About the abilities, swords, kits or infinite powers, yes you’re right, i can put all of these things in one button, i’ll keep that in mind.

About the rocket launcher crates, i agree too, i should add this into a shop in a GUI.

About the map being too big, you’re right but similar to the lobby i don’t want to change it, i want my game to handle 50 or 60 players servers like many other Roblox games to make it even more chaotic, but i want to prevent lag or performance problems, ¿Or i should make the map smaller without increasing the server size… any suggestions?

About the map textures being too realistic, i agree but similar to the lobby and map i don’t want to change it because i really want my game to be realistic like some anime games i see on Roblox, but yes. you’re right, they’re too realistic and doesn’t fit the game’s theme, i think i will make everything more realistic, ¿Any suggestions?

You didn’t talk about the PvP, game icon, thumbnail, gamepasses, badges and some game mechanics like the craters destruction, raining or visual effects, but i think that i need to improve them too.

¡Thanks a lot! :).

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