overall, I like the textures! I do not have much knowledge with guns but it looks good. Although, I think the muzzle is supposed to be farther out.
The texturing looks good; I don’t see any seams or stretched out sections of the texture, and the materials look realistic.
There are some issues with the model itself, however. The primary thing that stands out to me is that the magazine is too thin. It should be at least as wide as the bolt. The second issue is that the bolt does not seem to have a handle to pull back on in order to cycle it. This seems to be an AKS-74U due to its short barrel and folding stock, and as a result should have a less curved magazine due to the AKS-74U firing 5.45x39mm instead of the 7.62x39mm fired by the first generation AK-47s and AKMs. The last issue that I see is with the ironsights. The front sight is a bit too far forward, while the rear sight block seems to be part of the handguard; it should be metal and moved further back. It may be helpful to look at some more reference images.
I already mentioned that the textures are good, and the rivets and trigger are also modeled well. Overall, it looks good for a novice modeler, but I would recommend you do some additional research on the firearm to correct some of the errors.
Thank you for the feedback! I am not too experienced with modeling guns but I will make sure to correct those errors in the future.