Feedback On my the flash icon

Hello I am blood007lol and i made two logo for a flash game
What is the best
the first

or the second

Reply For what is the best logo


These logos are very good! I personally prefer the second, but the first is more accurate to how when he runs everything becomes a blur. Awesome work!


Thanks you for your reply and see you soon :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::heart::heart:

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I really like the render and all the effects, it looks spectacular. The only thing I would change is the text. It looks like Arial text from MS Paint lol. Maybe add a drop shadow, make it 3d etc

Basically, make the text catch your eye a bit more.


in the first photo, it looks like you just used one of those ā€˜specialā€™ brushes and dragged the photo to the left. it looks like heā€™s underwater, not running. i would try making it look blurrier than it is wavy-like. another thing is that the pose overall doesnā€™t look like heā€™s running. there isnā€™t much motion or action. make try making it look like heā€™s running more. lastly, the text is awful imo. the yellow and red are giving me mcdonaldā€™s vibes. try using complimentary colors or just simple white, grey or black. but, this is all my opinion so you donā€™t have to agree or listen to it. great job!


I prefer the 2nd, the blur kind of messes up the photo a bit on the 1st in my opinoin. If you want the impression of him running, maybe do some lines that imitate movement? idk


Thanks you for your reply and a mcdonaldā€™s vibes lol :rofl::joy::joy:


LOL ofc! iā€™ll follow you to see more of your work! great job on your icons though!!

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the second one is better it just needs to be a 3d render improve the background, and make the lightning look more real.

and make the font better

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I like what youā€™re trying to do with the first one, but to me it sort of looks like heā€™s underwater. And unless you can fix that, then Iā€™d say that the second version is better. Other than that, keep up the good work friend!

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I think for my opnion the first icon looks very awesome but I think you should change this part behind the character


and put something that looks like heā€™s running very fast

Another thing is that you should out making the icon in the good ol 3D app called ā€œBlenderā€ where you customize the shading of the lights, rotate the camera to -35 and many other stuffs. Once you finish this, try to put in a photo editor some effects and add the name ā€œThe Flashā€ with very awesome font.

Hope you can make this first icon very cooler and awesome!

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I think the second one! The warpy wiggly effect doesnā€™t really look like heā€™s running, it looks a bit odd. It was creative though! I would still prefer the second one. :smiley:

First is far superior in my opinion. Although, I feel like the text font can be improved.

I like the first, but it would look better with less blur, and maybe a slight yellow/red trail behind him


Everything looks great, but personally Iā€™d add some sort of screen effects and some sort of nothing blur to make it more appealing to others.

I like the 2nd one and btw the font is kind of flat to meā€¦ I would say add a bit of a Stand Out kind of font. You know what I meanā€¦

Love it, but maybe have some more PIZZAZZ! The text is very plain and looks like a font that my college teacher would use for a PowerPoint slideshow. Maybe try some fatter text, and make it cartoony text too. Otherwise, looks great to me!