Feedback on my UI Design

Hey there! I’ve made another GUI, and I want feedback on it! (the shop menu buttons will lead to the different shops!)

(Keep in mind that this is just a WIP!)

In this GUI I used Tweening for the first time too :slight_smile:


If you have any ideas on how I could improve this, please reply what below!

Your UI looks good imo. The only change I would make would be to your waiting UI. You could change the colors or separate the message into two sentences:

Waiting for other players…
(Need 2+ to start game)

You can achieve this by adding a script to the text and doing:

script.Parent.Text = "Waiting for other players...\n(Need 2+ to start game)"

You may have to modify it, but that schould give you the general idea.

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For spectate mode , you can put an eye icon instead of camera icon.

As far as UI is concerned , it’s soo smooth and organised , I like it.

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Thanks for that feedback! I’ll change that camera to an eye.

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Yeah, I’d have to modify it in my game script, but that would only take a few seconds to do lol.