Feedback on my UI

Hello developers,

I am currently making a plugin called Canary Studio, and I decided I would share the homepage UI with you!

Here is the image:

I mainly took inspiration after VS Code, and the help menu is what shows up when you click the ‘HELP’ button.

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Looks nice! I’d recommend using Fusion for UI work, it’s a great open-source plugin that makes a lot of UI work a lot easier.

I’ve never really wanted to use Fusion or Roact because setting it up is kind of annoying. Plus, I don’t even know what it’s gonna look like because I have to keep play testing, and my computer is super slow.

I might add a feature where you can preview Roact UI though.

I have Fusion set up as a roblox model.
Fusionmodel.rbxm (42.1 KB)

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By setting up I mean structuring the UI. Inserting is super easy of course, but structuring is so time consuming and takes away the fun from designing.

Well you can still set it up the same way as you are now, I’m more referring to getting it to actually work. That’s super easy with fusion.

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Wait, so you mean I can still design with the built-in UI editor, and just script it with Fusion?

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Yes, why not? It’s a bit inefficient, but you could just have all your UI elements in a folder, and then just use Fusian to spawn instances of them

local function Element(props)
    return game.ReplicatedStorage.Element:Clone() 

local function Element2(props)
    return game.ReplicatedStorage.Element2:Clone() 

New "ScreenGui" {
   [Children] = {
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You could also use Codify. It can turn your UI into Fusion, Roact or just components. Btw the UI looks really good (not sure if I like the font but that might just be me).

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