Hello its been a few years since I have posted a topic on here (7 years I think?) so hopefully I found the right category.
I am working on a RPG that’s a bit ambitious for me and it would be amazing to get some feedback on the progress I’ve made so far, as well as some testers who would be willing to stick around to give me feedback good/bad.
Many features are currently missing but are being worked on or are purposely not in-game yet due to others features missing (Drop items on death, player crafting, dungeons, magic system and player housing)
Not sure what else to add here but I will maybe add to the post as more updates are pushed? (If that’s allowed)
I personally think this game has some potential, animations, build style, and scripts seem to be working very nicely. Heres some things I would change:
The Gui looks kinda ugly
No way to tell what health the enemy has (maybe add overhead hp bar?)
Attacking with the sword doesn’t exactly give a “Smooth” effect
Other than that, very nice!
My first question is, are you using POLYGON Knights pack for this game? I saw these assets before and I had to look it up. Are these going to be part of the game forever or just placeholders? It worries me slightly to see buildings from an asset pack due to their possible limited use since you can only build so many different kind of buildings. I also hope you have the licensing and didn’t pirate this pack. I’m not accusing you but making sure you have your ducks in a row. Now to your game…
The game seems to be very basic right now but it seems like it could have potential if monsters get a loot table so when you kill them, you can get possible rare drops, etc. as an incentive to keep playing. This kind of gameplay is fueled by gambler’s fallacy where you think you may have a higher chance of getting a rare item the more you kill but of course, each kill is the same chance.
You should really put a health bar above the monster’s heads so you can know how much health left they have. Also hitting tab doesn’t bring up the inventory, it just causes the player list to move in and out.
The buildings are nice looking but I can tell which objects are from an asset pack and from what you built. They don’t work together that well. They are two different kinds of styles and I think you should choose one style moving forward. I think adding quests would help as well. Though, quests should be good and not just put in for no reason.
I’m a huge Runescape fan and this game gives me similar vibes and I think you are going in an alright direction but there are some issues like the building and a little bit with the GUIs. Something else I would suggest is adding life to the game, have NPCs that would make it more alive.
First I will state by I have not and will not ever pirate ANYTHING. I have bought all of Synty studio assets relating to medieval/fantasy and I plan to use them moving forward since I am a solo developer, as for now there is plenty of assets available. In the future if I am to have a team then that may change. Thank you for the suggestion about the mixed assets and im not the best map designer and I do plan to make massive changes amd may hire a map designer in the near future. Im currently undecided about the healthbar due to that being a deaign choice but you are definitely not the first to recommend that so I may just go ahead and add them. And currently mobs do have loot tables but the items available are limited at the moment since these are low level mobs (Theres also a secret item from the lvl 1 mobs). Quests are planned but I dont want them to be super simple but I dont mind adding a few simple ones. There was guard npc I removed but I do plan on having “civilians” ect, and yes this game is pulling inspirations from lots of games but mostly Mortal Online (17+ game you have been warned) While the states visible dont represent all the stats available there will be hidden stats players wont be able to see but still level which in turn will allow them to randomly unlock skills. Races/Classes are planned similiar to rogue lineage but will go for a mabinogi style level system (races/classes will be mostly transformations) I really appreciate your feedback and hope everyone understands this is a massive project for me.
Sorry if you took offense to me asking if you got these assets legit, I can never be too sure. I’m also a blunt person when reviewing because I see a lot of people sugar coat things when people need honest feedback. Another player told me that he found your game from an advertisement. That made me wonder, are you advertising your game and what is the purpose of advertising this early on?
No offense taken I just want make sure than anyone else who may think the same will get a clear statement. And I actually advertised before posting here the dev forum was a after thought to be honest. I forgot there was a game development category so I advertised that I was looking for testers to play the game/join the group so I guess it was somewhat affective
Im sorry I totally skipped over the inventory thing, I need to correct the tips at the right hand side because it was originally tab but while using chat all the gui would open and ect. because I forgot put a check for game processes and leaderboard was apart of that so I changed it to B I will be correctly that tip shortly!