Feedback on my US Army GFX

Hey there! If you haven’t met me yet I’m XareezX and I’m a GFX artist. I haven’t posted my GFX’s in a while, so I thought what a better way to post one today. c:

I didn’t have any ideas for the background since I was just testing out the lighting. Please send me some feedback I would really appreciate it.

That’s all from me now! Have a nice day developers! c:
Software: Blender
Photo editor: Photopea


The background doesn’t match the lighting that is behind the character model, but you did say you “didn’t have any ideas for the background”. The bright white light to the right of the players head has lens flares which is a nice touch, but again doesn’t make sense with the background.

Maybe a different face would fit better, but I think the biggest issue is just the background. I’m not the best at feedback when it comes to GFX. :sweat_smile:


I agree, it’s not match to character and light. Better add street or something like border as background

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Honestly if you scale the character up a bunch this GFX would look so much better. Nice render though.

This US Army GFX looks good! Nice job on it!

The lighting on the character is quite nice, as for the background it doesn’t match. Have you ever tried creating scenes for the background? Maybe just a field with some battle elements to it. If you ever don’t have ideas for the background try getting inspiration from popular game thumbnails/icons. Overall it isn’t bad! Only the background that throws it off, but good job!