Feedback on my Vibe Game

Hey! I created a “Vibe Game” and I’m looking for feedback on it I would appreciate it if you visited the game then gave me feedback and suggestions, I know the name is overused or unoriginal, I’m going to change it once I think of one.


There’s no link to the game. :eyes:


I know, sorry I accidentally posted it without it, I have updated it now.

I think this game is great! The TV thing was very creative. It shows the name of the current song and it has a nice font. Same with the sign on the right that says VIBE. I love it.

One thing I would change is the vibration for the beats, it should have a button to toggle it off, it kind of hurts my eyes. I think there are free models in this game too. :eyes: Overall, it’s amazing!



Overall in my opinion it looks like an amazing game. It really looks like you are putting effort to make this! Really nice work. :slight_smile:

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I love the style and blueness of it! I like how there are music pulses and that really fits into vibe games such as these! I wanna see more!!!


Pretty good room not gonna lie, really nice floor texture as well!


hey really good game sorry to ask did u make the game with the twinplayz textures?


I only used his texture for the floor.

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oh it looks like the gui is also from it.

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looks ok, i would say add a bit more lighting but good job.


There are working lights you can use with a switch located near the door.


Ah i see, looks like it has been well designed, Keep it up!


I’m kinda lazy to join right now but these pictures of your game looks kinda great and beautiful. I don’t even know about what i should judge/reccomend.

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From the images, the game looks decent, good job.

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Really love the style!!

It feel like I’m just in it by looking at the pictures!!

Great Job!!!

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I like the aesthetics and stuff but the only issue I have is the amount of free models used. I would say most of the rooms design is made up of them, and it’s hard to say if the outside is free modeled as well.

I would try to learn a little more modeling wise and you can make these models perfectly fine. I haven’t gotten myself into modeling much yet, but I tend to look at the toolbox for references but I don’t use it as my primary source for ideas. Mainly pinterest.

Anywho, keep it up you’re doing good.

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I’m not a big fan of vibe games for numerous reasons, but you did a good job! The blue lighting gave me a headache but I think that’s just me. Also, how did you get those sound bars to move on the wall, I’m curious.

Keep up the good work :upside_down_face: :call_me_hand:

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I only used free models for the town bit outside and for some of the details.

Great job, I can see you took a good time making this.

A great small detail of how the light switch actually works, many other vibe games don’t even have that type of detail to it. They just have it as a “decal” but yours is perfect.

Are you planning on expanding it more?

It seems to be small for 25 max players.

Overall, keep it up.

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