Feedback on my WALKING DONUT

Here is a walking donut I made by fusing a Polyjford walking robot tutorial and a Blender Guru donut modelling tutorial. 7 hours of modelling and 3 hours of animating! I posted this on what are you currently working on 2022 but I would like some feedback on it since it took awhile to make. Full credits go to Polyjford and Blender Guru, I also watched a tutorial on making eyes blink.

Walking Donut

Sorry for the bad quality video, please ignore that.

Here is the final render


I am now scared of donuts. :grinning: :+1:

Anyway, I do like how you added onto the classic donut tutorial. To make it more convincing, I would personally recommend adding some sprinkles or frosting onto the legs.


Good Idea, I was thinking of giving it Iceing boots so maybe I should do that. :grinning: :+1:


Another good idea if possible would be to make it leave a trail of sprinkles as it walks
Also great job with ur walking donut, it looks awesome


Your spider-donut looks amazing and scary! I don’t think you should add anything. ∞/0!

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That seems like a great idea!!! Thanks for the feedback :grinning: :+1:

Phone has been yeeted and my mother is needed. Great job on it though lol

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Thanks for the replies everyone, I will add more to it but it will take awhile because i’ll be busy the next few weeks. Turns our i just got the affiacando badge today!!! :grinning::+1:

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I think this donut was made out of this:

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Your walking donut looks absolutely sensational.

Looks incredible! I didnt know donuts could be scary! I wouldnt want to meet that on the road on a dark night! lol

Here is the final render I made. I haven’t added anything new yet.