Feedback on my wilderness survival game

Hello everyone, I am making a wilderness survival game. In the game, you can build, craft, explore, farm, team, hunt, etc. I had a year-long hiatus to work on some other things, but now I am back. I’m looking for feedback on how to make the game better. All feedback is appreciated. The main feedback I want to get would be anything confusing that you don’t understand when you join the game. Also, any tips on how to increase engagement (how long a player stays in game) would also be very helpful

Thanks everyone :slight_smile:
Game link: Roughin' It - Roblox

I like it! However I wasn’t able to equip the Ax in the tutorial. Looks like a lot of work. I hope it dose well.

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Hello, thanks for your feedback! I checked the tutorial and realized that the part where it tells you to equip the axe is quite ambiguous. I think I fixed it now though. Thanks :slight_smile:

The text used to be: “You have an axe in your inventory. Click the inventory slot’s number to equip it!”
I realized by ‘click’, the user would interpret it as a mouse click, not a keyboard click. So, I changed it to this:
“You have an axe in your inventory. Since it’s in your first slot, click ‘1’ on your keyboard to equip it.”

I never even saw that interface when I clicked it or was able to equip the ax via keypress but, I checked it and It’s working now.

The interface is supposed to look like this. Did you not see something like this?

Yes… it just didn’t work at all for the ax. But, like I said… It’s working now.

Oh alright, thanks. That’s very strange given that I didn’t change any part of the code except what it changes the textlabel to, but good to know that it’s working now :+1:

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Has some time to really play it more today, It’s hard but, seems to work ok.