Feedback on my Wizard Furnishing

For the last few weeks, I have been considering blender as my main application to do my work, It feels different not working on studio but my builds are enhanced and my skills I think are getting better everyday.

However, I am not so sure if they have improved in a week, baring in mind I don’t work with blender often and took a 6 month break from developing, I would like your feedback:


These models that you made are great for a low-poly styled game, they don’t look bad at all!

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Those are pretty good!
If I was a wizard, I would pay you to make them for me :smile:
Like @BBloxyBlocks said, it is good for a low poly game

Good Job
7 :money_with_wings:


It looks pretty good but i would recommend using auto-smooth on the sides of the cauldron cause it kinda seems a little strange looking

Wow! Love the low-poly feel, great job on the vines nothing much else I can say, there could be more dissimilarity between the vines, look quite copy and pasted.

Amazing job though.

Any chance you are making open source? It looks great