Wow! It looks really good! Nice job!
Whooa looks amaazing!
I think the nature around it is a little bit plan try to add some bushes and try if that fits with the theme you are going for.
Nice job and keep it up!
Perfect Job on the log cabin. I think you should make it a little bigger but that is just my opinion. I think you should add some plants, big and small trees ,some rocks.Well done; keep up the great work!
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The wooden cabin is very nice but, notice that are two different trees and it really troubles me.
In the screenshot there is a circular and a hexagonal tree.
The house itself looks nicely organised and the scaling looks pretty realistic. The roof and the door are very well made.
A few points of improvement:
- The trees are very linear; to give this environment a more natural feel I would suggest adding multiple variations of the trees (different shapes, sizes, colours, etc.). I can see there are a couple of more circular trees but this difference isn’t too obvious, and therefore doesn’t fulfil this natural vibe.
- The downstairs windows lack detail - especially when compared to the upstairs windows.
- The orange glow through the window is quite strong; it might be worth selecting a slightly softer colour IMO.
- You could consider slightly rotating some of the hanging lanterns to give the work a more natural feel.
That was intentional. I just felt like it needed a little it more variation. I will be improving on the nature a lot more though!
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Adding to this I think the material of the chimney doesn’t fit with the rest of the build. I am aware the bottom of the cabin is made with the same material, but the chimney having that material doesn’t suit it imo - maybe due to it being one long block, maybe just bad material choice, not sure.
The ropes look a bit too stretched.
The little flag looks a bit weird.
Other than that, I have no other criticisms. It looks absolutely amazing!
This seems a little exaggerated, Your build is very cool though!
It took me 1 week to build this due to school.
That still does not count, I could say that this Sci Fi Weapon took me 5 days because I did not focus on it that much, It actually only took me 30 minutes,
I still do really love your work Crazed!
I love this, it looks great! Great work. Can’t wait to see more work from you.