Feedback on Navy GFX

Hey Developers!

I’ve been working with GFX for a couple months now; And I decided to make a Military themed GFX.

This took about 4 hours total of designing then about 30 minutes to render.
(The render properties: Cycles, GPU compete, Sky Texture, Custom lighting, and Very High contrast.)

This was my first attempt at using a Color dodge tool (The white-ish spots)

What do you think?
(Please be as brutal as possible)
Before effects:

After effects:


After effects seem to make the gfx look better than the original imo. Looks pretty good.

Big difference right there. The white-ish spots is for? (Is it a cold place that’s why there is breath mists or fogs?) If not then just blend it with the background to make it cleaner. Add sandbags on the background and I guess some barbed wire fence (To give it more life). Keep up the work!

Wow, Thanks a lot. This was my first commission; And I’d like to be able to put my all into commissions. Thanks for the advise.

I Thought of it to be fog, And to just bring some attention to some areas.

And to make some things shiner:

(I Circled areas where I used the color dodge effect to give it some more shine)

It looks quite nice and decent, so great job!

overall it’s a pretty decent gfx, but if you want brutal…

  1. the camera angle does not go with this scene well because it shows too much of the empty hills which are irrelevant, and the characters aren’t centered well (the guy on the right is almost off the screen while the one on the left is much closer to the center)
  2. a better camera angle would be low near the grass, facing up towards the characters because they’re the main focus and it would give them a more authoritative look. you should also look into depth of field so you can blur parts like the background and make the main subjects stand out more
  3. the grass is too short and spiky and looks unrealistic. here’s a good realistic grass tutorial
  4. the lighting doesn’t make that much sense/look that great. is it supposed to be a helicopter flashlight on them?
  5. the arms are slightly messed up. the left arm of the guy in the middle of popping in front of his torso, and the right arm of the guy on the right is going into his body, and also not holding the gun
  6. the smoke is a nice touch, but its too big and splotchy. it would look better if it stayed near the ground and was more consistent
  7. the sky in the back is too bright for the dark hills, and there is no blue ambience to match it

I’m not trying to put you down at all, we all start somewhere! I just hope these points will help with your future graphics :+1:

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I Actually followed this tutorial, But some reason whenever I render it the grass comes out like that.

I don’t know how I feel about the gun’s stock clipping through the shoulder. Also, where did that random light on the grass come from? I see no flashlights in the scene.

Woops, I Just realized the stock issue. And I thought the lighting would be like from a spotlight. This was a commission that was chosen as an express option; So the results won’t be as premium as I can be. Thanks for the response!
