Feedback on New Cafe Build

I recently release V2 for my cafe, and I would really appreciate any constructive feedback/criticism.

Game link: 🌴 Ardour Cafe V2 - Roblox


The build looks great, but lightings feels really off, it just looks bad. You really need to improve it


Could you provide some examples and solutions?


I like it. Very modern and very well built, definitely took your time on it!
I have some tips for the lighting (As @DRivex0 said)

  1. Set brightness to about 4 - 6
  2. Set Colorshift_Top to a warm or cold color (Depending on what weather you’d like it to be)
  3. Set lighting technology to future

I think that it’ll look so much better with realistic graphics and other buildings around it. Awesome job!

Edit: I joined the game and was stunned to see the main menu, you’re a very talented gui designer, programmer, and builder!


Thank you very much for the feedback!
I will be sure to change those properties.


Turn on shadows, add some lights, work with ambient lighting, add some sunrays and others


I have updated the lighting based on the feedbacks!
It would be great if you could check it out.


Looks great but some areas feel slightly empty, also the metals are too reflective (fixable with a lighter roughness map)


Thank you for the feedback! I will consider making those changes.


May I ask, Did you model everything or did someone do it for you? Also, This build looks amazing!


This is amazing! I’m actually currently modeling/making a Café game, And was curious if you were interested in a collab? My café game link: Models, Models, Models. - Roblox
Keep in mind its still in progress
Why I’m asking if you have interest in a collab, Café games strive through collabs or events (Most games do) And we both have a similar building style.
My café is “Seaside Café”

Please DM on discord me if you have any interest in this, Here is my Discord: beat_bop09

I like the style and builds so clean and fits!

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Thank you very much. I always put in my best effort for my projects.

As for your question, some models were personally created by a modeler I hired. Others are free models either from the ROBLOX library or from external websites that provide access to free models. For some of the free models from external websites, I customized them to my liking using Blender.

This build looks VERY good! I like the style and colors of it. Nice job on this!

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