Feedback on new Difficulty Chart Obby

Hey guys, I just released a new difficulty chart obby, I spent a lot of time on it and feedback would be appreciated. Please try to play up to stage 90 before giving feedback, thank you!


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I think your game is good. The only nitpicks I have to make are,

(It’s a bit hard to see the GUI saying the player’s name as the “Top Donor” object is in the same position.)

(It doesn’t show the amounts of robux each user donated)
but other than those 2 things, I liked it. It was especially satisfying when you touch the checkpoints.


Thank you for your feedback! I’ll fix the avatar problem, but the thing is with the donation board, until 25 people have actually donated it will need to find a spot for the missing slots.

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Hello hdabao! I played your dco and I think your game is really good! the only thing I would suggest (This is dependant on the style of the builder) is to maybe decrease the number of parts that have neon, it was kind of blinding me and with the blur, it really does not help, I saw that you fixed the blur but I still have one suggestion, so you know the reset progress button I think you should add like a confirmation UI because usually dco’s have that and if someone is thinking yours works like that too they might click it and accidentally reset their progress when they don’t want to, that’s all lad keep up the good work, really nice builds and hope you get lot’s of visits from your game, also just wondering why did you get so much dislike, I think it’s from the people that raged, not sure but okay!


  • YouLzr :slight_smile:
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Hey! one more thing as I was playing your Difficulty Chart Obby the spectating mode it kind of broken, players that leave are still on it and you can’t see them, here is some footage:

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