Hi, I’m making a new FPS game and I’m new to game development and I would appreciate any feedback to improve my new game. I spent around 6 months creating it and I want to get better at creating games, If you have any suggestion please let me know.
The game might not have that much functionality because I don’t know how to properly script yet,
It’s playable but the main menu top buttons don’t work
You Should have instructions for how to play, Like a Tutorial.
Specifically reloading might not be obvious to everyone, so don’t forget to add that. I would make an Aim down sight and visible bullets to let the player know if their bullets are going in the direction they anticipate.
Respawning on the sky seems strange, don’t forget to ground respawns.
Starter Screen GUI “HOME” text does not scale properly with screen size.
Screen GUI does not work properly overall.
Footstep sounds when crouching could be overridden with more natural sounds.