Like @bunnisani mentioned, the text sometimes shows over the avatar and out of the gray background frame like in the example below. This can be fixed by moving the player away from the text and by making the text box boundaries stay in the gray frame.
There is no way to skip the slow typewriter affect. Make it so that when the player presses the text box, the typewriter effect is skipped, or make the typewriter effect faster.
Several parts including one of the cabinet knobs are unanchored, like @LucasTutoriaisSaimo
Instead of kicking the player, the game should just start over instead. This would make it so that the player doesn’t need to load the game every time there is an ending.
The clock temporarily shows :60 before going to the next hour. Make sure your for loop that you use only goes to 59 instead of 60.
I moved the player image out of the text, as for the text leaving the frame, that’s a more difficult issue as the textbox itself is the gray frame except with a ui corners property.
I made the typewriter effect quicker, if it needs to be more quick let me know!
For the shower model, I decided to go ahead and make a quick one in blender lol:
Thy bay blade is no more, the culprit was an unanchored piece of spilt milk. I did make it so the milk doesn’t glitch out when you click a lot. The voice is sped up and sounds a little bit better.
I honestly think you should just stray away from the “simplicity is funny” type of game. There are so many flaws with those games, and you should just honestly go with something more unique.
Well the game isn’t really supposed to be popular, I’m creating it because I want to have have a fun time. People playing the game is really just a bonus for me. Also a lot of games have gotten popular from tis type of game. Such as get a snack at 4 am simulator which this game was inspired by. The game is more of a learning experience.
Overall 7.5 out of 10, theirs a door glitch were the door clips through the wall, the icon, and also a tight area with the games house ( The Main Area ) feeling kind of empty and tight
Thats planned for later on in the game. this version is basically just a Demo, as the entire map is about 20x bigger than the house. The next update for the game will be released in a couple of weeks
We plan on releasing the game in updates with different sections per update
I am only giving constructive criticism. The game itself is well thought of.
As soon as you join, we are are greeted with a loud noise that would be very irritating and annoying for players. The user who is displayed is also stretched a bit too much that you can see the pixels.
Tutorial Issues
This image is super pixelated and could be difficult to read. I also do not like that there are so many images around the map, perhaps make a tutorial system instead of just images.
I also do not like the fact that you get kicked after a certain amount of time. As people have said, things aren’t anchored and the game has many bugs. I am going to rate your demonstration a 6.5 out of 10 due to these issues. Please get these fixed as this game has great potential. Have a great day!
Thank you for your feedback, but unfortunately production of this game stopped a while ago and it probably won’t see any updates in the foreseeable future as I quit Roblox development