Hello! Along with the help of Roblox user “johnnyry2008”(Who doesn’t have a devforum account) We have created a game called “get milk ad midnight” It is inspired by get a snack at 4 am simulator and we have worked hard to make it.
Before I continue I would like to say that THERE ARE NO FREE MODELS. Absolutely none. All of it is created by me and johnnyry2008.
Anyways, there are 4 endings so far:
Milk ending: 2 possibilities
spoiled milk ending: 1 possibilities
cheese ending: 2 possibilities
dehydration: 2 possibilities
there are a total of 7 ways to get an ending in this game. Note that this is the first release and more updates are to come.
Anyways here’s the game:
(I’m posting this before I go to bed so I can’t respond to yalls questions)
How to get milk ending: First way: Get milk from fridge and go to bed. Second way get milk from fridge and throw it away in trashcan:
how to get spoiled milk ending: drink the spoiled milk from the laundry room
how to get cheese ending: Take milk out of fridge and wait for 30 seconds. the milk will then turn to cheese. give cheese to rathole in bedroom. second way: go to basement and get the cheese from there. Give it to the rathole
how to get the dehydration ending: Go back to bed. Wait until clock says 7:00 in hallway
Also I forgot to mention the player has a major milk addiction and its really the only thing the player consumes
Updates: Talk speed is faster, shower head looks better, anchored unanchored parts, fixed glitches dialog
just for the record, this is merely a demo of the full game. The game in its entirety is going to be pretty big. here’s the full map:
I hope you guys enjoy what we have so far. Remember that there is a lot more to come