Feedback on New Game + Sponsoring Help

Hi Everyone!

Just in the process of trying to get my new game noticed. Currently I have spent a decent amount of robux on doing small tests of sponsors to see what yields the most CTR (results below)

Link: 🔥Ultimate Power Tycoon - Roblox
Any FeedBack Will be Appreciated!

the highest CTR i saw was 1.71% however my CPP was only 7.18 - is this normal or not a good metric as i have seen other posts with people having a CPP being less than 3.(stats below)

My Questions are

  • Do I have any fatal game flaws or areas I could improve on before dumping more into sponsors?
  • Should I use some other way to get the name out?
  • Does my Icon need to be changed?
  • How much robux should I be spending on sponsors per day and for how many days? - based on my research it seems that since the new sponsor updates and nerfs ill need to put 15k-20k robux per day to get any substantial effects - is that too less? too much?

I also noticed I have more impressions when I advertise to Comp+Phone+Tablet vs just tablet but despite the more impressions I end up having a higher CPP does anybody have more information on this?

Thanks for Your Time!

Have you made your game console friendly and started sponsouring to that device group? It will tend to be easier since there’s less console compatibale games on roblox.


Great Suggestion - Honestly thats the one aspect I have neglected - will look into making my game console compatible.


Another way to show your game is with getting streammers and youtubers to test it with their community.
(please do not ask them right way. Show yourself in their community so you can get more easily noticed.)