Feedback on new GFX

I recently finished another GFX and was wondering what went well and what could be improved upon,



  • Some of the rocks don’t match the ground.
  • The ground is very smooth; the moon irl has lots of bumps and imperfections, so I suggest adding some displacement.
  • Cloth should be intricate, but the flag looks low poly.
  • The rocket and distant background should be more blurred (depth of field) as from the viewers perspective, they are nearly the same size.
  • The helmet of the astronaut is smooth, but the suit is very bumpy. The texture should remain consistent.

As a final piece of advice, I suggest you learn composition and lighting. Getting a good grasp on these subjects can really elevate your work.

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Flag is very low quality, rocks are a bit discoloured (and there arent enough), and space is too miserable and grey.

Rest looks fabulous