Just finished a new illustration, is there anything I can adjust or change to make it look better? Please, any feedback to help me with my art would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Joel. <3
Just finished a new illustration, is there anything I can adjust or change to make it look better? Please, any feedback to help me with my art would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Joel. <3
First of all great job on this!
My advise would be to make the glasses more visible (like easier to see), everything else looks great to me.
Well done
Thank you! I will try to improve.
It might just be me, but the face is a bit deformed, but that’s okay haha. Also, you should put the tongue a little bit down, so it’s not that high up and that much on the edge of the mouth.
Overall, I haven’t seen such cool illustrations in quite a bit and it’s very pleasing to see something fun like this. Nice job =)
Thank you very much! I’ll try fixing that. <3