Feedback on new simulator - Tennis Serve Simulator

Hello, Developers!

Recently, my team and I have released a simulator. We’re proud of it and think it’s pretty good, but we aren’t getting the traction we hoped for. The game was released roughly 3-4 weeks ago with a couple big updates since then. We’ve run tens of thousands of robux worth of ads, and recently found an icon and thumbnail that seems to get some good CTR. The main issue is we just can’t get good concurrency with player count. Are we just expecting too much too soon or is there something wrong that needs fixed for us to get more players?

The game is here:

All feedback, suggestions, etc. is appreciated. Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Hi! The game is pretty fun and seems super polished. I personally left the game pretty early on because I didn’t feel like walking back to the court after seeing how much a new ball and racquet would cost. Maybe add a low-tier ball and racquet that are less than $500 and $750 so players don’t feel like they’re forced to grind at the very beginning.

Good luck! Your game definitely has what it takes to get on the front page.


This game was a fun take on the simulator genre. I played for a couple minutes and had some fun. :slight_smile:

It’s your first few weeks! Don’t expect too much at first. Give it time and remember to focus on enjoying the development process. I know your game has potential!