Feedback on new song I've made

So I’ve made a new song called “Bass Trouble”. It’s supposed to be a loop that’s
1 minute and 16 seconds long. if you have answers, please reply!


This is great, it sounds like something that would be used in a game such as Entry point. The one thing I find slightly annoying is the gradual buildup of texture within the music. It is too gradual and happens for the whole song which makes a slightly odd affect. Maybe also add a breakdown somewhere within the piece! Otherwise, Amazing job!

So do you mean the riser at the end or the frequency changing at the beginning of the loop?

I mean how the amount of instruments increase overtime is slightly awkward

I love it Its got some rush to it makes you feel like you are running from something. Nice work :+1:

One thing about me, I like giving honest feedback with sound design.

Right at 0:00, you need a kick under that crash. Drummers don’t ever play a crash on the first beat without a kick drum. It’s something I’ve learned as a drummer. Try something like this:

This is from my personal sound library.

That bass melody is dope. Actually a bit impressive for the genre you’re trying to go for lol. The only thing I’d suggest is EQing the bass frequencies up a bit, and adding subtle distortion.

Your transition at 0:11 is too sudden. You need to add a subtle riser, a woosh (personal preference), and a downriser for once that transition hits.

It won’t let me upload the downriser for some reason. Just Google it lol.

I personally think your hi-hats are too high-pitched. The lead at 0:33 needs to be louder. The bass overpowers it later on.

The same feedback applies again.

Try glitching that bass out at the very end to match the glitch effect you used.

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Great song! It sounds like a song that you would hear while playing Speed Race or a laser tag game.

Ok so I’ve heard your ideas and made a version 2 of the song:

I’ve added a kick drum at the beginning, some riser and woosh effects, and an orchestral synth
(I don’t know why I added a non-related synth)

P.S: You may notice at 1:17, The main synth sounds a bit odd which is because of render issues

I love it! Sounds like a cutscene intro as said by someone else before or a Flood Escape/Escape Room’s background music. Great job! :sun_with_face:

woah. major improvement. what DAW do you use?

FL Studio is my DAW! :slight_smile: