Feedback on "noob slayer" GFX

This used to be a commission which cancelled due to the client being a scammer.

Feedback and likes are heavily appreciated :heart:


Render and pose is awesome, i like it!,
Just want to recommand to add lighting effects like smoke on the ground,
And give the lighting on the katana too, to make it more realistic.
Nothing else overall it is amazing.

hey! Thank you for liking the thingy but now I need to discuss a few points.

  • Lighting effects like a few rays are there

  • smoke makes no sense for an open air non-polluted air location.

  • I agree the katana could’ve gotten a sheen or something like that. originally I was going to give it an aura but it didn’t look good

  • I also wanted to point out that the work I do specializes on the cartoony aspects which basically means realism is something that is not aimed for in this type of workflow.

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You can maybe hire someone to help you with the effects, you can just give it a try