Feedback on office cubicle

Hello, my name is BrycieTEC, and I have been working on a project recently that I am thinking is partly finished. It is an office cubicle.

Could someone give some feedback on it?

Also don’t ask about that keyboard, I am too lazy to fix that
And I am relatively new to this, I only started in March since the stay in home order.

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It looks rly good to me and would fit perfectly in a office

it looks good for a beginner

I suggest adding a seat on the chair if you haven’t already and try making the colours stand out more by using brighter ones

Misspelled cubicle in the title. :slightly_smiling_face:

Looks very nice! Small amount of detail and great use of color. Try giving the lamp a better color like a white or silver something like that could work however find one that matches with the scene.

I would try experimenting with wall objects more, in a few reference image the walls aren’t that plain try throwing a wall shelve to make it have a more unique design place objects around such as clocks, pictures, trophy, books or a potted plant on the desk try placing small items and see what suites your liking.