Feedback on Ore models

Hello there!
Just made some models, first ones I’ve made with blender and because I am very inactive on this forum I thought, why not ask for feedback. :slight_smile:
So basically these are the meshes I’ve made:

And this is what I made with them, also if anyone wants them just tell me and I’ll save them to roblox.

Please give like a 1/10 in rating of these models/meshes and also please tell me what I could improve on next models.


They look good! However, I would move this to Cool Creations.

Wait isn’t this on cool creations? It says that at the top

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The green ore makes me feel uncomfortable. The rest however looks amazing.
9/10 (It’s the green ore that made you lose a point sorry)

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Ah thanks for the feedback! I made that one before I made the custom meshes to put on the rocks, nice to see someone likes it :smiley:

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It has a cool poly style and it looks good! Nice work

All the ores look really great it’s just the green ore that dosen’t have any texture.

How about now? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


They look much better now that have a fine detail.

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