Feedback on our game!

Hello everyone!

Me and my team have been working on this game for a while and updating it almost weekly, so we would like your feedback on the game so far, we hope you enjoy it!

This is a game about exploring massive cavers, finding accessories in chests, forging your own custom pickaxes with parts that give different stats to it and getting the best materials in game while completing achievements.

We’ve added a tutorial because some players found the game confusing, doing the tutorial will also give you a head start in the game.

Game link:

Thank you for reading,


So I get how this game could be addicting, but I encountered a major problem. Optimization.
When I joined I immediately noticed my game looked very choppy, and when I checked, I was running the game at less than 30 fps on graphics quality 3. If you expect people on mobile to play the game, you need to fix the lag.

Second the pickaxe was very buggy. I was trying to mine some ores and I kept left clicking, the pickaxe would either not mine the ores, or it would inconsistently mine away at the ores. Its hard to explain what the problem I was experiencing was, but it was extremely annoying to play the game with.

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You have to hold down left click to mine ores without it “bugging out”, that’s just a safe measure to prevent players from using auto clickers to spam the remote.

Also for the optimization part, we’re gonna look into it!
Thank you for the feedback

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Just add a cooldown if auto clicking is a problem you are worried about, I wasn’t aware that I had to hold down left click to mine.

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It is sad to see your game failing (most of the time 0 concurrent players even tho it has 12k visits). It is clear that you invested good time in making sure the game quality is good. From Game Design standpoint (the game idea) it is not a masterpiece, is not at all addictive and I personally wouldn’t spend much time in this game, but when low quality generic copy-paste 1000 times done and overdone tycoons get 10k concurrent players, your game definitely deserves it too.

Who are you targeting with your ads? If you are targeting mobile too, it might be because of optimization (I didnt experience much lags, just slow loading time, but maybe that’s because my laptop is not weak, I’m assuming you have optimization problem based on @Icantliveatlife comment).

P.S. The caves are toooo dark. I get what you are trying to achieve here with lanterns and stuff, but either make the caves a bit brighter, or the lanter light go further, I literally couldnt see 1 stud away from me even with a lantern, which made it very hard to discover things and mine

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Thank you for your feedback. The game is still very early in its design stage as there’s plenty of features we haven’t added yet so hopefully with some time it will become a more engaging game.

At first we targeted only PC players with our ads, however recently we’ve also released a mobile update so soon we’re planning on advertising for mobiles as well.

We’ll also see to the light emitting from the lanterns