Weve been workin on this for about 5 months, were making good strides. Would like some general feedback, critizism and ideas on how to improve the current lobby, or if its good enough as is. You can play here: Pressure Testing - Roblox
Submarines will dive and resurface when players are loaded in and rounds start. Not added yet, obviously.
Screenshots for the lazy:
Please note that the lighthouse is currently broken, and only spins 180 degrees.
Looks very good! Only one thing that bothers me is how fast the submarine dives after closing its doors. I think there should be a 2-3 second delay before submerging.
Its meant to be fast so that another 1 can re-surface quickly to take on another batch of players.
Honestly loved it; it was so immersive and it is so big you could add so many things to it later on. I spent a nice fifteen minutes exploring and it was worth it. I’m assuming those character models around will be NPCs?
Also very nice barriers; I looked for any opening for me to get onto that outer upper floor of the buildings to the right I think. Ofc I found none.
The layout of showing what type of experiences there are by connecting a pathway to their location is genius. Loved it when I realised but I didn’t realise as soon as I came in. I think people will be very captivated by the lobby and thus won’t be looking at the floor for the experiences.
Although I didn’t have any experiences to play, the first thing I wanted to do was explore that map. I know you want to have a quick send but honestly a sink time of 1 second won’t do much for the players in my opinion. I haven’t seen the submarine sink yet but a slow sink would feel so immersive and real. I also think many people will be exploring that lobby before they play, for the first time anyways.
Oh my days, is this game Pressure?? I can’t believe I saw it in the developing stages!!!