I really like the way this map is coming so far, the layout of it is one side is going to be an oufit loader, and the other will be a place to shop for premade outfits.
I would like feedback, because I think that this map can be greatly improved.
Please understand that this is not the final product, so I can change/remove this.
If anyone has any idea on what to add on the outfit loader side, let me know I feel like it is very empty and I would like to replace the copy and pasted trees.
first off, your 3d text font does not match your gui font. it does not look good. the gui is too small and should have a different font, remove the palm trees or make them look better, have better lighting, not so basic building like this, better terraining with the palm trees, better insides of the thing and more photos i want to see
this font is nice, maybe if you could find a similar font that is lowercase and put it on everything except the try buys?
change those nametags to a better font (BillboardGUI)
change the load user font to the animations font