Made my first build using blender and made a paintball marker. Do yall have any feedback on this creation?

Made my first build using blender and made a paintball marker. Do yall have any feedback on this creation?
good for getting started but you have a lot to learn and i think its different parts than a single object…
like what blockerman said it doesn’t feel like a singular object, you should also try to smooth shade all the parts of the paintball gun, or try to force smooth edges from edit mode if that doesn’t work at first. It looks decent otherwise
The top of the paintball gun could be more centred.
The paintball gun doesnt have a style
Yes! I wanted to give it a more realistic but still blocky/lowpoly, aspect to it. Making it realistic to me was to not center the hopper because then it would make it nearly impossible to aim. And who would want a paintball gun you can’t aim with?
I think I may understand what you are saying. Do you mean that I must make the object feel as one instead of making it look like a jumbled bunch of blocks?
I’m confused by what you mean by this. Can you explain?
I will take what you said into account. Thank you!
yeah… it looks like its something made in roblox studio - not saying its bad just saying it looks very simple plain and low poly
Oh that is alright. I am going for a simple low poly aspect with it so I rather it look more simple than make it seem intricate and complex. Thanks for your thoughts and input though!