Feedback on Particle Effects

Now I know this is not technically a build, but it was made in studio and used many of the same tools I would for building, so I put it here (if that is an issue just let me know).

This is my first time creating anything using particle effects, and my intended effect was that of an reddish aura around the character model.

Here are the three different styles that I have created so far.

Now the question I have for you all is what do you think I could do to improve on this design? In my opinion this is alright so far, but I feel like it is lacking in a certain capacity that I cannot name. Any suggestions or criticisms would be helpful, all is welcome!


I like the effect you’ve made. However, the way it looks it’s throwing me off a bit with how I feel overall. The movement of the effect is what I don’t entirely like (I do think a movement should be there but its current one isn’t my favorite imo). I think it’d look cool if it kinda went in and out a bit (not too much ofc) to give t the effect of being an aura around the character while also not being too much fuzzy ness from the movement.


This would be so interesting if there were some cool animations to go with it! This would look so cool behind a dash animation. :grin:

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I think that it is very overdone for an “aura.” An aura would highlight the character, and with these (especially the second and third examples) it highlights the particles, not the character.

I think you should perhaps slow the particles down to where they’re barely moving and then make them “thinner” or more transparent or something so the focus is back on the character.

Hope this helped!

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Firstly, it looks good so far! However there are changes that need to be made:

Personally, I would add more of a ‘shape’ to the aura, it’s difficult to explain in words so I’ll use this picture I found as reference.

As you can see the aura surrounding the character’s sword has more of a unique shape instead of yours where it is just surrounding the character and giving off a light buzz.

However, if what you are going for is a light highlight around your character then I would tone down the aura surrounding your character and add a highlight around it because currently the aura is basically submerging your character to the point where you can barely see it because there is so much glow coming off of him.

Using this image as reference you can see the highlight and how the aura also focuses around the end of the characters arms and legs. I recommend adding a much lighter highlight around the characters face instead of keeping the constancy of the highlight the same throughout, I believe that this will add a much nicer effect. (Sorry about the annoying watermark, this is the best image I could find showing what I mean so it was too good to scrap)

All in all, the effect is nice, could just do with some improvement and I believe it will be a wonderful looking aura!

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If you want the aura to stay behind the character, set the ZOffset to something appropriate for it to stay behind instance.

My friend made a static version of the black auras(outlines) on these characters, this can be changed into neon:

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This is some really great advice, I will definitely be using this to improve it. Thanks!

Thanks for the feedback! Do you think you could say more about what in particular is wrong with the movement of the effect? Other than that, this is some good advice, thanks for the help!

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I hadn’t figured out how to use that, but after some quick tampering I am impressed with the results.

This really helped get it to what I was looking for with that one change, thanks for the help!


It’s a bit hard to explain, but when it moves it kinda looks fuzzy (idk lol :joy:) (or kinda like those old tv screens when it had no connection and it greyed out just in a red color)
I hope that makes more sense haha

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You probably need to make the effect more pointy/sharper.

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