Feedback on passion project

Hey everyone! :wave:

This is my first proper post here (aside from a bug report I made earlier), and I’m super excited to share something I’ve been working on for a while now. I’ve been developing this game for over 2 years, and it’s finally starting to take shape!

I’d love to get your thoughts and feedback on what I’ve got so far. Whether it’s something big or just a tiny detail on how I can improve the build, if you think it can be improved, I want to hear about it! I’m here to make this game the best it can be, and your feedback will be a huge help.

Feel free to share any suggestions, critiques, or ideas—I’m all ears! Thanks in advance for checking it out and helping me out. Can’t wait to hear what you all think!

(Also, if you’re curious about the game, I’ll be sharing more updates soon!)

Cheers! :rocket:

( ✦ ) [Unreleased] Abysmal - Roblox"

Please keep in mind the game is not scripted at the moment.


It has a pretty interesting vibe to it.
I’d say it’s weirdcore, mainly due to the bartender with eyes on top of each other and the creature thing that is stuck under the washing machines.
I’d like to explore more of it, but I do get VERY laggy when trying to walk outside of the spawn area (even at minimum graphics…)


Great attention to detail, had to play on lower graphics setting though so I’m not sure if I was getting the full experience. Feel like this would work well for a Nico’s Nextbots style game.


I did think about doing this, but I wanted something a bit more unique.

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Yes, I’m very sorry about the lag. The game is highly intensive because it contains many duplicated parts that I have to manually readjust. Additionally, it includes not just the build at spawn but multiple other massive structures.

I will try to optimize it more though.

Looks great! I agree with what was said above in that the attention to detail is great! I’ve got a few small comments to add:

  • I was unable to jump, almost as if there was an invisible roof just on top of my head. Holding space made my character shake vertically instead.
  • Leaving the spawn room and heading to the left there is a gap through which the player can fall out of the map.
  • In the big room with the two massive statues it is possible to climb some of the wall, classic-Roblox-style. Not sure if this is intentional.
  • When I opened the dev console I saw that apparently some footstep sound was failing to play. You did say that the game isn’t scripted at the moment though so maybe this is something else?
  • Some Z-fighting is visible on certain walls and floors. The aforementioned room with the big statues is where I found a lot of it.

Nitpicking aside though, you got a thumbs up from me! I look forward to checking it out again when it’s been updated!

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  • The jumping will actually be disabled, but for testing’s sake it has a minor jump.
  • I believe I fixed this now.
  • I got rid of some of the climbing, but I want areas that are typically inaccessible to be somewhat accessible.
  • Footsteps is a toolbox script that makes it where the different materials make different sounds
  • The big statue room is going to be getting an overhaul because it has way too many parts.

Thanks man I appreciate it

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