I would like some feedback on what i could improve on and what i did do good! also if somebody can teach me to make faces for my pets please let me know i use paint.net and would like to learn.
Thanks for taking the time to read and have a great day
Great first Model! When starting out always remember that you will have a lot of mistakes but mistakes will make you stronger!
What I recommend you can improve on is the detail. You have a good set base now try adding more detail.
Try something new! A lot of people make pets a lot and its a bit over rated try coming up with a new style of pets, whether that can be a new shape, new design of faces, and accessories that are out of this world!
As you said you make faces with paint,net. That is a good app that some people use but starting out you should try making faces by modeling them! Its a good way to learn how to work around things and learn new things with it, it may not turn out great or amazing but that’s alright, it’s the whole process of learning something new/being a beginner.
also try to watch videos of experts using Blender or whatever software you use to get a better idea of what your doing.
While there put together pets you could try creating different styles of them so it doesn’t feature similar design as ones seem in different simulators games nowadays. The let’s look decent, but I’d recommenced creating more models instead of too examples if your just starting to use Blender. For the pets your looks put together correctly if I were to suggest any feedback, try creating more perhaps try implementing too heads or more parts on that specific model.
Adding different colours on some of the pets parts slightly different shades is a really nice addition. Something similar to a few images online.
The models look pretty cute in their own style and looks pretty simple. I really appreciate that you made everything here like the faces and the model.
But lets talk some criticism
So far the model is only square which is very common used on roblox which is why you should try to create new and different shapes for the pets.