I have been creating a lot of SCPs recently. And I have now created SCP-049. SCP-049 (also known as the Plague Doctor) is an SCP that will try to kill anyone with this sickness called The Pestilence, which only SCP-049 can see. And will “cure” them by bringing them back to life as zombies.
I started off by modeling SCP-049s head. And then began modeling the body shortly after that.
I then added textures, baked those textures, put that all into Mixamo for the rig. And I put it all into Roblox Studio.
These are the results.
This one was definitely the most challenging among the other SCPs I have created. It required a lot more details to prevent it from appearing boring. However, I do feel like something is missing behind the model. I might improve it with an operation bag around the back side of his waist at some point, as it is explained in the Wiki that SCP-049 carries all of his tools in a bag.